E 101 |
Declaration of the legislation. To prove that you pay social contributions in another EU country – for example, if you are sent out aborad or working simultaneously in several countries |
Information about which authority can issue this document, contact the regional liaising office. |
E 102 |
Eligibility for the extention of sending employee. Useful in case the work will take more that 12 months. |
Information about which authority can issue this document, contact the regional liaising office. |
E 104 |
Record of all periods of employment, insurance and residence in one country. To migrant and frontier workers, this form allows access to health insurance in the country that requires a record of the work period. |
Health insurance company. Submit to health insurance office in the country in which you work. |
E 106 |
The certificate of entitlement to health care if you do not live in the country in which your are insured. This form is for use particularly for frontier workers, civil servants and their dependents. |
Health insurance company. Submit to any health insurance office in the country where you live. |
E 109 |
The certificate of entitlement to health care for people who are dependent on you and do not live in the country where you work. This form will use mainly migrant workers whose families still living in their home country. |
Health insurance company. People who are dependent on you must submit it to the health insurance office in the country in which they live. |
E 112 |
Entitlement to the planned medical treatment in another EU or EFTA country. You are entitled to the same treatment as citizens of the country. You may have to pay certain part of cost in advance. |
Health insurance company. Submit it in health insurance office in the country where you want to undergo treatment. |
E 116 |
Medical report relating to unability to work (sick leave or maternity leave). |
Issued by a doctor of health insurance body in the country in which you work and forwarded to your health insurance company. |
E 121 |
Entitlement certificate of retiree to health care in case you do not live in the country in which you are insured. |
Health insurance company. Submit it in health insurance office in the country where you live. |
E 301 |
Confirmation of the periods of insurance taken into account when calculating unemployment benefits. |
Unemployment office in the country or countries where you last worked. Submit it to the regional office in the country in which you want to apply for benefits. |
E 303 |
Eligibility for the export of unemployment benefits. |
Unemployment office in the country where you became unemployed . Submit it to unemployment office where you are looking for a job. |
E 303/5 |
Statement of benefits received abroad (part of form E 303). It contains information about your rights and obligations when exporting unemployment benefits. Enables regional offices in the country in which you are looking for a job, notify the amount of benefits that you received in there. |
Unemployment office in the country where you became unemployed . Submit it to unemployment office where you are looking for a job. |
E 401 |
Declaration of the composition of the family for the purposes of calculating family benefits by the particular country. This form is for use of migrant workers whose families still living in their home country, cross-border workers. |
Issued by the country where your family live. Submit it to offices responsible for family benefits in the country in which you work. |