March 2015
Work on PDA1? No need to be afraid. It will return you the money!
The relevant European regulation does not allow the situation to you as a trader subject to parallel two legislations. That is to serve requests and forms PDA1 which determine the membership of legislation, ie Member State [...]
How to request family allowances in Austria? Here we go!
Slovak forms are only as an example in bureaus and schools, it is necessary to fill in the Austrian forms. 1. case - carer receiving allowances ONLY in Austria (Social Insurance office in SR revoked [...]
Guideline of the tax directorate of Slovak Republic on the issue of taxation of income of the taxpayer liable to tax on nursing activities performed in the territory of the Republic of Austria on the basis of trade license
Guideline of the tax directorate of Slovak Republic on the issue of taxation of income of the taxpayer liable to tax on nursing activities performed in the territory of the Republic of Austria on the [...]
Preparation of tax returns in Slovakia and Austria
Chargeability Revenue carers are classified according to the law on income tax (EStG 1988) as the income from operations (Gewerbebetrieb). The place where the carer contestant's trade is regarded as the seat of operation. The rule [...]
annual accounting of income
Employees who have no other income except income from work for his employer, rather than the tax return may ask the employer for the annual reconciliation of tax. They must do it by 15th February. [...]
Dávky v materstve pre opatrovateľky, ktoré vykonávajú živnostenskú činnosť V prípade prevádzkovania živnosti má živnostník nárok na tieto dávky v materstve: Betriebshilfe Ženy vykonávajúce samostatnú zárobkovú činnosť(živnostníčky) majú nárok na výpomoc pri podnikaní vo forme [...]