
Revenue carers are classified according to the law on income tax (EStG 1988) as the income from operations (Gewerbebetrieb).  The place where the carer contestant’s trade is regarded as the seat of operation.

The rule is that it is  the client, where the business is conducted ( but this is not the norm). With income from the operation, each self-employed taxpayer is considered liable to tax. Importantly, the unlimited tax liability in the amount of non-taxable income in Austria is the amount of  €11,000 (applies from 2009). With the limited tax liability the amount is €2,000. When exceeding this limit is automatic obligation of filing tax returns of wage tax and duty to pay tax.

The deadline for filing tax returns is 30th April in the year following the year in which the income was received .

When does the obligation to file a tax return arise

File a tax return is required  by each person with full and limited liability and that is when:

  • to file tax return is asked by the competent tax authority § 42 Abs . 1 Z 1 EStG 1988), ie when request is received by post or tax forms are delivered.
  • in the case of the revenue which are automatically subject to tax (§ 42 Abs. 1 Z 2 EStG 1988)
  • in the case when net income exceeds €11,000 with unlimited tax liability (§ 42 Abs . 1 Z 3 EStG)
  • in the case of overlapping of income from dependent and independent activities
  • in the case of income from employment and other income exceeding €730, if the total income greater than € 12,000
  • if the taxpayer has been assigned tax code


Tax credits in Austria

Every employee in Austria as well as self-employed persons are under certain conditions entitled to various bonuses.

For recipients of family allowances  it is for example child tax credit (Kinderabsetzbetrag). Since 2009,the amount of the bonus is €58.40 per month for each child. About this there is no need to apply separately because they are automatically paid to family allowances and the subsequent payment of family allowances (Differenzzahlun).

In addition, single parents families (Alleinverdiener) and single parents (Alleinerzieher) apply additional bonuses, the amount of which depends on income and the number of dependent children in the household.

These bonuses with revenue below the charge are paid as a negative tax.

The amount of tax bonus for single parents families – Alleinverdiener:

– designed for families where partner (husband/wife) is unemployed or the income does not exceed €6000 per calendar year

  • bonus with a surcharge per child: €494.00 per year
  • bonus with a surcharge per 2 children: €669.00 per year
  • bonus with a surcharge per 3rd child: €889.00 per year
  • bonus for each additional child + €220.00

The amount of tax bonus for single parent – Alleinerzieher:

–  designed for lone parents and maintainers of children – free and divorced mothers and fathers and widows

  • bonus with a surcharge per 1 child: €494.00
  • bonus with a surcharge per 2 children: €669.00
  • bonus with a surcharge per 3 children: €889.00
  • bonus with a surcharge per 4 children: €1 109.00
  • for each addition child + €220.00
  • Recipients of family allowances may apply for reducing the tax base of and the amount of €220 per child -Kinderfreibetrag,  for which they are paid family allowances for at least seven months in a calendar year – this also applies to the conditions to claim for the first two bonuses.

Tax credits in Slovakia

You can also get a tax credit in Slovakia. Entitled to a tax credit are taxpayers who meet the conditions pursuant to § 33 of the Act č.595/2003 Coll Income Tax.

The amount of the tax bonus is up to 31st June 2011 amounting to €20.02 and up to 1st July 2011 amounting to €20.51 per month for each dependent child living with the taxpayer ‘s household. (€243.18 per year).

Guideline of the SR on the issue of taxation of income of the taxpayer liable to tax on nursing activities performed in the territory of the Republic of Austria on the basis of trade license

According to  (§ 2 . f,  of the Act no. 595/2003 Coll . Income Tax)  as amended, the subject to the taxpayer fully taxable income is the income (return) originating from sources in the Slovak Republic and from abroad.

Revenue from the company mentioned in § 6 par . 1 point . b ) of the Income Tax arising from sources in the Republic of Austria, for the purposes of taxation regarded as income from activities carried out through a permanent establishment situated in the territory of the Republic of Austria. According to § 17 par . 14 of the Income Tax part of the tax base of the taxpayer liable to tax is the tax base of a permanent establishment situated abroad, except of the tax loss of a permanent establishment, which according to the law, can reduced the tax base in which the source of income is. The taxable amount is the difference by which the taxable income exceeds the tax expenditures to determine where the provisions of § 17 to 29. When the conditions specified in the law on income tax, the taxpayer may claim the tax expenditure standard manner prescribed in § 6 paragraph 10. The taxpayer during the implementation of expenditure in this manner is required to keep records of income in a short time period, inventories and receivables.

According to § 1 paragraph . 1 point . a) The third paragraph of Law no. 431/2002 Coll . Accounting, as amended, the taxpayer is the entity. The taxpayer is not required in the Slovak Republic to keep accounts, if the purpose of determining the tax base does not show his tax expenditures, but they can apply a flat rate pursuant to § 6 . 10 of the Income Tax. According to § 45  Law to income tax, article 23 Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Republic of Austria for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and property no. 48/1979 Coll, double taxation of that income is the elimination of applying the method of exempt income. Terms of defining taxability profits of an enterprise resident in the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Austria referred to in Article 7 of the Treaty. If in a particular case income of a resident of the Slovak Republic on business can be according to the provisions of the Treaty taxed in the territory of the Republic of Austria, in the territory of the Slovak Republic exempt from tax irrespective of effective taxation on the territory of the Republic of Austria. Regardless of the applied method of eliminating double taxation, if the conditions specified in § 32 paragraph . 1 of the Income Tax taxpayer liable to tax is to bring the Slovak Republic declaration stating all the ‘ global ‘ taxable income.


Tax Directorate of the Slovak Republic Banská Bystrica separation methodology taxation  in area of international tax relations February 2009